In addition to the semi-regular spotlights on valiant skin cancer crusaders, I will be doing a "SunSavvy Top 10 List".
Today, we will be talking about the top 10 reasons why Blue Lizard Australian Suncream is the best. Before we explore these reasons, I would like to begin with a disclaimer of sorts. We, at The Cancer Crusaders Organization, refrain from endorsing products and keep our alliances with other organizations purely based on a shared commitment to providing quality skin cancer prevention education. I have received several emails regarding the fact that I have teamed up with Crown Labs and Del-Ray Dermatologicals (the manufacturers and distributors of Blue Lizard Australian Suncream). A few people have expressed concerned that they paid me to do the book and/or promote them. Rest assured I did not and will not receive any monetary compensation for the work I do with Cancer Crusaders. The Blue Lizard logo appears on the back of the Only Skin Deep? Resource Guide chiefly because well, they are the best sunscreen on the planet and since the book is about effective skin cancer prevention resources, it seems only fitting to partner with them on such an important, informational, and essential project. That said, here are the Top 10 reasons why Blue Lizard is, quite simply, the best stuff on the planet! (In my personal and professional opinion).
* Blue Lizard Australian Sunscream is the only sunscreen made in the United States that strictly adheres to the guidelines set by the Australian government on sunscreen ingredients. With melanoma being the number one malignancy in Australia, it is a well known fact that Australians are leading the world in sun protection/skin cancer prevention. As such, they have set strict standards regarding sunscreen ingredients so as to ensure they provide optimum protection and safety. Blue Lizard Australian Suncream contains 5% titanium dioxide and 10% zinc oxide, thus making it a broad-spectrum formula that protects against both UVA and UVB rays.
* Blue Lizard Australian Sunscream is SPF 30, which means that it provides 98% protection. Other sunscreens that claim to be SPF 45 or 50 are actually misnomers. Technically, you can't have a formula that is molecularly more potent (or effective) than a SPF 30. The American Academy of Dermatology recommends sunscreens that are SPF 30 (with SPF 15 minimum).
* Blue Lizard Australian Sunscream makes non-toxic sunscreen that is safe enough for sensitive skin and young children. And since 80% of one's lifetime sun damage occurs before age 18, it is especially important that we protect our children with proper sunscreen.
* The CEO of Crown Labs/Del-Ray Dermatologicals (the manufacturers of Blue Lizard) is actively involved with skin cancer prevention efforts. I always see the CEO, Jeff Bedard, at meetings of the National Coalition for Sun Safety at the American Academy of Dermatology. He runs in the Boston Marathon to raise money for sun safety education efforts at the SHADE Foundation. He is present at every event his company hosts, including free skin cancer screenings at NASCAR, and has teamed up with not only Cancer Crusaders and SHADE, but the Women's Dermatologic Society, as well. In short, the CEO of Blue Lizard is actively involved with communities across the nation, works in cooperation with other organizations dedicated to the cause, and has invested personal time, energy, and heart toward serving others touched by skin cancer. Talk about an example of integrity, sincerity, and commitment. Jeff makes sure Blue Lizard is the best because he truly cares about protecting people from skin cancer, not just because it pays the bills.
* Blue Lizard is not sold in grocery stores, and therefore avoids having to compromise its formula. At the present time, the Food and Drug Administration does not regulate sunscreens; there are no mandates requiring that sunscreens actually provide the level of protection that they presumably claim to provide. This is why often times consumers will say that they slapped on the sunscreen and still "got burnt". (This is also due to the fact that we are rarely taught how to properly apply sunscreen). So, the fact is you will not find a sunscreen at the grocery store that provides the optimum broad-spectrum sun protection that Blue Lizard provides.
* To get a bottle of Blue Lizard you don't have to go through any multi-level marketing programs, networks, or distributors. You can get it directly from them, thus reducing your cost. A bottle of Blue Lizard is comparable to the price of other sunscreens, but works better than the other sunscreens. So, you are actually getting what you are paying for; it provides the protection it claims to provide.
* The sunscreen most board-certified dermatologists will recommend is Blue Lizard Australian Sunscream.
* The Blue Lizard bottle turns blue when exposed to ultraviolet radiation to visually remind you about UV exposure and to apply (and reapply) sunscreen.
* Blue Lizard Australian Sunscream is made for all skin types. For those of us who are of Irish German decent and burn easily, there is a sensitive skin formula. There is a formula made for active athletes and outdoor enthusiasts. And, best of all, there is a Blue Lizard Australian Sunscream formula for children. All Blue Lizard formulas provide optimum protection against UV-A and UV-B rays.
* Blue Lizard Australian Sunscream is non-toxic, it's not greasy, it won't irritate your skin nor your eyes, it's non-comedogenic (won't cause you to break out), is hypoallergenic, does not contain artificial colors, is fragrance free (it doesn't smell flowery yet it doesn't stink either), and is non-toxic.
So, there you have it. Here are 10 (of the many) reasons why Blue Lizard Australian Sunscream is the best stuff on the planet, according to me the skin cancer crusading 20-something author of Only Skin Deep? An Essential Guide to Effective Skin Cancer Programs and Resources. And Blue Lizard didn't even have to pay me to plug their product. It's just that good. I won't leave home without it, and I won't let anyone I love use any brand other than Blue Lizard. In fact, for my best friend's birthday last year, we all went to a water park. I bought a gallon jug of Blue Lizard for everyone to use. No one got burnt that day, even though we were at the water park for six hours. The reason for this is because everyone applied Blue Lizard sunscreen on properly and reapplied it every hour. My best friend's perfect fair skin stayed protected all day long. No one else sustained a burn, either.
Thanks Blue Lizard!
I know all of you are wondering where you can find this amazing sunscreen. Simply log on to
Be SunSavvy,
I read your review of Blue Lizard suncream online and would really like to try it.
I would like to try the sensitive formula but am not sure if that one is water proof or not since many of the other sensitive formula sunscreens are not very water-resistant.
Hoping you have tried it and know the answer to my question.
Also, I read about the free samples you have. How do I go about getting a free sample of the sensitive formula Blue Lizard suncream? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks so much for your comment/email!
Yes, I use Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen -- religiously. And the formula that I prefer is for sensitive skin (I burn easily, especially in the Utah sun!)
Blue Lizard has proven to be long-lasting after an hour in the water. Yet, after being the water, I would strongly recommend reapplication. You should reapply sunscreen every 2 hours, anyway.
I would love to send you some samples. Just let me know how I can get those to you. :)
Thanks again for your inquiry, and most importantly - THANKS for slapping on the sunscreen! I hope you are spreading the words to others about the importance of year-round sun safety, as well.
Stay SunSavvy,
Dear Danielle,
Thanks for answering my question about the Blue Lizard suncream. I'm glad to know that even the sensitive formula is able to last in water, unlike some other brands I have used which wash off pretty quickly once wet.
I'd love to get some samples and can't wait to try this sunscreen that you've said so many good things about. I will email you my address.
One more question; where is the best place/source to get this sunscreen from? Do you have to order it online? I haven't been able to find it in stores.
Once again, thanks so much for the sun saftey tips, samples, and great advice.
Danielle, I work at a plant nursery in Las Vegas and am outside 6 days a week and 12 hours a day. I have been using Blue Lizard for 2 years and I will not use anything else.I never burn and my skin never hurts. About 3 months ago I decided to contact Del Ray and ask if they want a distributor in Las Vegas. My wife and I went to Tennessee to meet with the consumer brands executives and they agreed to let me be the distributor for Las Vegas and the Nevada market. If you have readers that want the Blue Lizard in Nevada I can get it to them for a very good price.
If you do know of anyone, please contact me.
Thank you,
Adam Gordon
Thank you so much for your comment/email!
Look at you being proactive! Indeed, Blue Lizard is the best stuff. I'm glad to hear that you have taken the initiative to spread the word and make it available to people in Nevada.
The Cancer Crusaders Organization disburses free samples; however, if I get any emails or phone calls from people in the Vegas area I'll tell them about you.
Thanks again! Hope the nursery is doing well, and stay SunSavvy!
Take care,
Please send me a sample of Blue Lizard sunscreen. (Preferably for sensitive skin).
Sylvia Burgess
I am emailing you my address.
Thank you for your email. We will send you a complimentary sample of Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen Sensitive (that's what I use, too. And I love it!!)
Thank you, again, for your email. Most importantly, thank you for taking precautions to protect yourself from the sun and skin cancer.
Best Regards,
Hi Danielle,
Just wanted to let you know I just got the blue lizard sunscreen samples you sent and am so excited about using it when I go out to the pool today. Thanks so much for sending them to me!
Thanks so much, Danielle, for sending the extra samples. You are right, this Blue Lizard sunscreen is very good. I've used it for two days now and can really feel the difference having it on in the sun as opposed to wearing the other sunscreens. I'll definitely be telling my friends about this stuff (and giving them some samples once I receive them) and will be ordering some big bottles for myself soon. :) Thanks for
sharing all your sun-savvy knowledge and the great samples!
Hi Mika,
(Strange, your last comment is registered under my name. Odd).
Anyway, I'm soooo glad that you love Blue Lizard (I, too, use the sensitive formula). And, no problem about the extra samples - happy to do it. I'm glad you're using it and encouraging others to do so, as well.
It's just so nice to have a quality sunscreen that you enjoy using AND WORKS SO WELL, too!
Thanks and keep in touch,
Hey there!
Did you know the folks who make Blue Lizard linked you?
It has had about 1,000 hits now. Cool, eh?
BlogHer Community Manager
I just adore the folks at Blue Lizard, especially their CEO Jeff.
That's awesome they linked it -- and on their homepage! Sweet! I'm so glad that people are "hearing" about their amazing sunscreen.
Have you tried it, Denise? As the Health Editor for BlogHer, you should! ;)
Thanks, Denise, for your email.
Happy Blogging,
I am having a terrible time finding the right baby sunscreen for my sun. I have used another product and it was greasy and got into his eyes. Not such a great experience. I spoke to an Aveeno rep. and they were useless. I found the product on google and came across your article. Can you help me out with a free sample? I would really appreciate it.
Thank you very much for your time
Brie DeForge
Dear Brie,
Yes! I would be happy to send you a sample of Blue Lizard Baby. It is the brand that most dermatologists I work with recommend. And, whenever a friend of mine is having a baby, I send them a bottle of Blue Lizard Baby. Guaranteed that this sunscreen will not irritate your son's skin or eyes. It's not greasy. Though, it is creamy (which helps it's efficacy). A little goes a long way with Blue Lizard; apply lightly around the face and then apply about a half-shot glass amount of sunscreen for full-body coverage. Remember: Apply sunscreen at least 20 minutes before going outdoors, and then every 1-2 hours (even on cloudy and cold days).
At any rate, I'd be happy to send a sample of Blue Lizard Baby to you. Simply email your address and I'll get that to you ASAP.
Thank you for your comment. Most importantly, thank you for taking proactive measures to protect your son from skin cancer. I hope you are protecting YOUR skin, as well.
Thanks again!
our dermatologist just recommended the blue lizard suncreen for my
8-month-old daughter.
how cana i obtain a free sample?
amy oakley
Dear Amy,
I hope your dermatologist recommended Blue Lizard for your skin, too! Sun protection is important for mommies, as well as babies. :)
To obtain a free sample of Blue Lizard Australian Sunscream, simply send your address and contact information and we will happily mail it off to you.
Thank you for your email AND thank you for protecting your little one from the sun! With more than 80% of our lifetime sun damage occurring before age 18, it is important that our youngsters be properly protected.
Hi Danielle,
I was just researching sunscreen reviews, when I came across your blog about Blue Lizard. Are you still offering free samples? I'd love to try this. One con I read was that its thick formula can take extra time to apply. Others have said it leaves a white film on skin. Have you experienced these effects with this product?
Hi Jessica,
Thank you for your email.
Yes, we're still disbursing free samples of Blue Lizard Australian Sunscreen! If you're still interested, simply email me your address and we will get your sample(s) out to you.
To answer your question --
The Blue Lizard formula is creamy which helps make it more effective. Remember! A little bit goes a long way with Blue Lizard. Simply apply a shot-glass amount for full-body application (face, ears, front/back of neck, arms, legs, tops of the feet, etc.) I use Blue Lizard every day, as do my fellow Cancer Crusaders, and we have never had the "white film" remain on our skin after properly rubbing it in to the skin. The process of application takes 5 - 10 minutes. In all honesty, the most important thing in a sunscreen product is ample, proper broad-spectrum protection from a sunscreen that provides all the protection it says it will; to have peace of mind. Additionally, this product is non-toxic, hypoallergenic, isn't greasy or sticky, doesn't include any artificial colors or fragrances, and employs the proper amounts of the two most effective ingredients from deflecting UV-A and UV-B rays.
At any rate, I would love to send a sample to you if you're still interested. Try it and see for yourself. You'll love it and you'll never leave home without it!
Thanks, again, for your email/question. I appreciate it!
Thanks for your quick reply!
Yeah, I was definitely one of those sun bather people. And I do prefer the sun kissed look, however, I'm not longer willing to take that risk. There are plenty of sunless tanning products on the market.
So, I'll email you my address for the free Blue Lizard sample.
Thanks much!
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