Tuesday, July 17, 2007

It's in the Works

It's in the works, folks!

Many of my friends and peers have been asking me to write a book about my personal experiences with cancer; about losing my mother at age 15, and my experiences working with the cancer community. I have been making an earnest effort to work on this book, but truth be told - I am not quite ready for it....yet. I am hoping to revisit that project next year, but we'll see. I am not making any guarantees about it, though.

On a brighter note, however, I have contracted to do another book. It will feature the peer education curriculum that I developed for youth and will officially debut in early 2008. So, while my friends may be disappointed, my fellow skin cancer crusaders will be delighted to hear that I am finally making this program available to the masses via a book entitled Preventing the Most Preventable Cancer: Training Youth to Teach their Peers about Skin Cancer Prevention.

I first introduced my peer education program in 2006 through a pilot program called ONLY SKIN DEEP? (which is, incidentally the title of my first book). With six volunteer college students as my "lab rats", and several thousand listeners tuning in each week to hear me teach it via internet radio, many skin cancer education organizations - including the American Academy of Dermatology - have taken a sincere interest. I have been spinning my wheels trying to determine which method and through which avenue would be best to make this program available to these organizations, as well as universities, but kept encountering roadblocks thus delaying the project. So, what does a skin cancer crusader with extremely limited funds do to make it all happen - she keeps plugging (and she gets creative). With that, I am proud to announce that, at long last, I have found two methods that I think will behoove all those interested in utilizing the program to teach youth about skin cancer. The first avenue of delivery is through book #2 (and don't worry my students won't do the copy editing, again! HA!)

If you have any questions about skin cancer, sun safety, and teaching youth, that you would like to see addressed in this book, please feel free to email me! And if you have stories about working with the skin cancer community that you would like to share, I would love to hear those, as well. We also welcome sponsors who are interested in making a tax-deductible donation to us better serve the community.

In the meantime, I hope you will grab a copy of ONLY SKIN DEEP? An Essential Guide to Effective Skin Cancer Programs and Resources. All the proceeds will go to funding the continued development of effective skin cancer education programs for youth.

Happy Reading!


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