A Book On Skin Cancer Prevention To Reach Children Soon
PROVO, Utah (October 11, 2007) - Skin cancer prevention is no longer just for adults; young children will now have an opportunity to read how to keep themselves protected. After a two year process, the first children’s skin cancer prevention book will be available Oct. 11 to students, teachers and parents everywhere.
The sun safety book, Skin Sense, is a publication focused on children’s awareness and prevention of skin cancer and sun damage. The book has been written for children ages two to eight and is hoped to reach young children across the nation. Along with preschools and daycares, the book will be sent to dermatology and cancer societies across the United States.
“Eighty percent of one’s lifetime’s sun damage occurs before age 18,” said Danielle White, co-founder and president of The Cancer Crusaders Organization. “We wanted to create a way for parents to understand why it is so important to protect their kids from skin cancer.”
White collaborated with Lori Glickman, a young mother from Florida, to create this book for elementary students.Glickman offered to do the project because she knew the importance of teaching children about sun safety now. Glickman’s 10-year-old daughter, Claudia Glickman, was recruited as the illustrator of the book to reach the children more effectively.
“Children have a great ability that once they understand a principle, it becomes a lifetime habit,” White said. “This book will teach them, and hopefully skin cancer prevention will become a lifetime habit.”
The book will be available through The Cancer Crusaders Organization to anybody who wants to increase awareness. All funds from the book are going to skin cancer education and training programs throughout the nation. The book will hopefully be used by teachers as a part of their curriculum. There are currently no required skin cancer education programs in Utah schools, where The Cancer Crusaders Organization is based, but the award-winning Organization is hoping this book will help change that quickly.
“I’d like to see all the preschools, daycares and elementary schools have a copy of the book,” White said. “The kids could check it out at the library and show their parents what they learned about prevention.”
To order copies of Skin Sense, please send a tax-deductible donation of $10.99 to The Cancer Crusaders Organization at PO BOX 2076 Provo, Utah 84603.
For a limited time only! Get a $1.00 off of your copy of SKIN SENSE, by purchasing it online here:
Press Contact:
Laura Bird
Danielle M. White
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Tine Espensen
Danielle! Hey it's mike jones! I just found you on here, looks like the cancer crusaders are truckin along and have grown a ton. Thats so awesome! Drop me a line sometime!
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